thebooktaught + Used books have personality

3:51 PM

Holding a brand new book between your hands has got to be one of the best feelings in the world: freshly printed pages, colorful intact covers, un-cracked spines, raw scented pages and a whole new world to dive into. But, I have to say, by holding an used book between your hands you're holding someone else's past. Used books have way more personality than your regular un-touched books, they have marks and bents and cracked spines, and they might belong to you now but someone already had it before you, so you can find all sorts of things inside and on them. So here are a few of my favorite things I've found in some of the books I've bought used. 

Please return to the Stewardship of Ron and Katy Phillips on my copy of Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. 

A plane ticket from Phoenix to Los Angeles on American West Airlines on my copy of American Gods by Neil Gaiman. 

A 1976 copy of Jaws with the movie cover that belonged to a person named Casimiro López. Book by Peter Benchley.

An ad of Bantam Books of their Shop-at-Home Catalog for books. Brilliant idea on my copy of Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury.

Blue lining on the pages that time has made look a bit green on the 1969 book by Agatha Christie 'The Regatta Mystery'.

Do you buy and love used books? Have you found something interesting in any of them? If so, share them with me! Until next time!

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